July 2011 Blog Posts (9)

Hot Air Balloon Launch - Open Source

Posted by GatorLUG on behalf of Richard Brooks.

The program that I'm working with is SSTP. In this program the kids do research with the professors and also get to pick a sub-topic of interest. I'm part of the Small Satellite group. There are 13 kids that chose this topic this year.



Added by Michael Levin on July 28, 2011 at 12:20pm — No Comments


This just in from Luis Espinal of MJUG:


The EasyB syntax for writing stories and specifications is a lot more succinct than the one provided by Specs, the Scala BDD framework (at least when looked upon from a 10K foot view)

It also got me to think why TDD and BDD is not…

Added by Michael Levin on July 27, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments

JCertif 2011 : Java is on! Rockin' in the Congo-Brazzaville

JCertif ::: in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Hi All,

As some of you already know. The next edition of JCertif is coming.

This year again the JCertif Conference will bring together developers from across Africa to learn, collaborate, and inspire each other.

This year, we're happy to announce 3 days of Java and Android training and 2 days of great talk, focusing on… Continue

Added by Michael Levin on July 26, 2011 at 9:11am — No Comments

Live streaming of Oscon 2011

Oscon 2011 is just days away from happening. For some of you, attending Oscon may not be an option. It's possible that you have other obligations, don't have a budget for it, or even don't know much about it. Well have no fear, this year Oscon 2011 will be streaming live on Codetown via the group Oscon 2011. For those of you who are curious about it, take some time to watch an hour or so. Anyone who really wanted to attend…


Added by Anjuli Vivian Atwal on July 21, 2011 at 10:37am — No Comments

O'Reilly Oscon now features Java

The annual open source convention, simply known as Oscon, has come around for its 13th year and this year it features Oscon Java. Oscon is where developers, innovators, businesspeople, and investors come together to change everyday business practices and thinking. It's a technical conference that covers a range of open source, from Linux and MySQL to middleware and cloud computing as well as anything in between.


Oscon is designed to provide informative tutorials, activities,…


Added by Anjuli Vivian Atwal on July 19, 2011 at 1:36pm — No Comments

Class Family Accord

Class Family Accord - Abstract


An Accord class family is a hierarchy of classes for which another class hierarchy has been designated as corresponding. Class  A0 is the top of the class family, class A1 extends A0, class A…


Added by Juan Rolando Reza on July 14, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Google Revamps Android Market

Android's Market now has an entirely new user interface. Photo courtesy of Google

Look out, iTunes, the Android Market is…


Added by Michael Levin on July 12, 2011 at 6:18pm — No Comments

Java 7

Hello Codetown!


I just got this from Oracle:


We’re Moving Java Forward. Watch the Webcast Replay of the Java 7 Launch Today.



Added by Michael Levin on July 12, 2011 at 6:30am — No Comments

On Objective-C

Is Objective-C a step backwards in terms of memory management? Why does Apple use it despite advances in the language realm? I heard the other day that Java would give people some sort of unfair abilities in the App store. Not sure. But, people I know (Kevin Neelands, for one - check out his best selling Periodic Table of the Elements - free!)…


Added by Michael Levin on July 10, 2011 at 7:30am — 7 Comments

Monthly Archives


















Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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InfoQ Reading List

JavaScript Set Methods

The release of Firefox 127 introduces new JavaScript Set methods, now supported across major browser engines. Polyfills are no longer needed to make them work everywhere. These additions provide convenient, built-in ways to manipulate and compare collections aiming to simplify development and enahnce performance.

By Agazi Mekonnen

Amazon EC2 R8g Instances with AWS Graviton4 Processors Generally Available

AWS has announced the general availability of Amazon EC2 R8g instances, which use AWS Graviton4 processors. These instances have been available in preview since November 2023 and are designed for memory-intensive workloads such as databases, in-memory caches, and real-time big data analytics.

By Steef-Jan Wiggers

Presentation: Hydration and Lazy-Loading Are Incompatible

Miško Hevery discusses Hydration and Lazy-loading, building a simple counter to show how hydration will thwart the ability to lazy load it or minimize the amount of code executed.

By Miško Hevery

Podcast: Platform Engineering – Making Other Teams 10x Better

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Jessica Andersson about the role of platform engineering in empowering and enabling other teams.

By Jessica Andersson

AWS Discontinues Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

AWS recently announced that new customers can no longer sign up for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), a managed service providing an immutable transaction log maintained by a central trusted authority. All existing databases will be shut down in one year, and current users are encouraged to migrate to Aurora PostgreSQL.

By Renato Losio

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