
OrlandoJUG Town

Calling all Java lovers! The OrlandoJUG features leading edge presentations with you in mind. We meet every month with talks on interesting aspects of programming in Java. Although we're Java-focused, you'll also learn about other JVM languages.

Twitter & Facebook @orlandojug


Check the Codetown Events section for specifics about meetings.

Location: Orlando, FL
Members: 96
Latest Activity: Feb 23, 2021

About the OrlandoJUG

Check the Codetown Events section for meeting info. Please RSVP!

* There are no membership fees for joining the Club or participating as a member. Operating costs will be borne by Contributing Sponsor companies (Contributing Sponsors).
* However, membership is not "free" because everyone is asked to contribute time and talent for the benefit of all members. Please volunteer to serve on the committee of your choice.
* The membership list and contact information will not be for public use. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will be held in strict confidence. Members are, of course, free to trade contact information one-on-one.
* As a general rule, meetings are held monthly, usually on the 4th Thursday of the month.
* Michael Levin is the JUG chair. Anyone wishing to provide a venue, refreshments or a program speaker/topic should contact him at info (at) orlandojug (dot) org
* There is an open-door policy. All committee and planning meetings are open to all members.
* Constructive criticism and good ideas are invited. We will strive to improve OrlandoJUG on a constant, consistent basis. Your active involvement and support is vitally important to the success of the Club

Our meetings will be listed in the Events section.

Discussion Forum

Meet with a Superb Recruiter 1 Reply


Tags: ojug, Meetup

Started by Michael Levin. Last reply by Andrew DiRocco Feb 23, 2021.

J4K is virtual this year!

‪J4K was a superb conference last year. This year, it’s virtual and free! Some of the world’s best speakers will present. Register here: They say tickets…Continue

Started by Michael Levin Jul 2, 2020.

Virtual Events

‪Hello! I hope you all are well. I’m staying home for a while, but the Virtual Java User Group and JaxJUG have interesting online events coming up this week. Stay tuned. ...Mike‬

Started by Michael Levin May 11, 2020.

February Meetup! 3 Replies

We have an awesome speaker lined up this Th. Interested? You have to tell me you’re interested or I won’t schedule it. Venue near Ace Cafe!Continue

Started by Michael Levin. Last reply by Naomi Butterfield Feb 27, 2020.

October OJUG

Folks, I’m giving a talk on AI at Devoxx next month in Morocco. Our scheduled Spring talk is postponed. Let me know if you’d like a preview of my AI talk instead. We don’t meet Nov/Dec. Here’s the…Continue

Started by Michael Levin Oct 18, 2019.

Live OrlandoJUG broadcast tonight

Tonight’s Orlandojug will be broadcast live! Monitor @OrlandoJUG on…Continue

Started by Michael Levin Sep 27, 2019.

September OJUG

Join me at OJUG ::: featuring Bruno Souza & Otavio Santana from Brazil!

Tags: Ojug

Started by Michael Levin Sep 17, 2019.

Red Hat Open Shift Workshop 8/21 Orlando Marriott

Hi Michael,Wanted to send you a reminder for next Wednesday's Red Hat OpenShift workshop. We are excited to see you! Date: August 21st, 2019Time: 9am-2pmLocation: Marriott Orlando Downtown (…Continue

Tags: OrlandoJUG, codetown, Redhat

Started by Michael Levin Aug 15, 2019.

DevNexus CFP open until Aug 15

THE DEVNEXUS CALL FOR PAPERS IS OPEN UNTIL AUGUST 15!!! The Call for Papers (CFP) for Devnexus 2020 is now open. Devnexus, …Continue

Tags: codetown, Devnexus

Started by Michael Levin Aug 5, 2019.

OrlandoJUG Reading List ::: from JavaSpecialists

Issue 318 - Getting Rid of Unused Warnings with _

We sometimes are forced by the Java language to declare variables that we never use, attracting the ire of the javac compiler. Since Java 22 we have a way to declare these as "unnamed" by using an underscore.

Issue 317 - Explicit vs Diagnostic GC

How many times have we seen programmers call System.gc() to "help the garbage collector"? Unfortunately far too often, with potentially terrible performance implications. In this newsletter we explore the explicit and the diagnostic GC and how we can force a GC, even if explicit GCs are disabled.

Issue 316 - Code Before super() - JEP 447

Java 22 preview allows us to write code before the call to super(). There are restrictions. We are not allowed to refer to "this" in any way. We thus cannot set fields before calling the superclass constructor. But what if the superclass constructor calls our methods? In this newsletter we explore a workaround using ThreadLocals.

Issue 315 - Random Newsletter

Classes java.util.Random and java.util.SplittableRandom didn't used to have a common ancestor, making it difficult to write methods that take either. This was finally fixed in Java 17. Let's have a look at some random Java topics together.

Issue 314 - Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT 4.0 From Java

A few years ago, the second oldest man in our village Chorafakia wrote a book about the history of our area. Only catch - it was in Cretan Greek. I tried to read it, but couldn't. Google Translate shrugged at the strange Cretan dialect. Then ChatGPT 4.0 came along, and we can interact with it directly from within Java. In this newsletter we have a look at how I was able to translate this masterpiece into four languages: English, German, Dutch and Slovak.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of OrlandoJUG Town to add comments!

Comment by Michael Levin on July 17, 2018 at 1:56pm

OrlandoJUG meets every 4th Thursday from 6-8PM. Details about our next meeting are here:

Please RSVP so we’ll know how much pizza to order. 

If you want to get email about meetings, join this group. 


Members (96)


Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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InfoQ Reading List

JavaScript Set Methods

The release of Firefox 127 introduces new JavaScript Set methods, now supported across major browser engines. Polyfills are no longer needed to make them work everywhere. These additions provide convenient, built-in ways to manipulate and compare collections aiming to simplify development and enahnce performance.

By Agazi Mekonnen

Amazon EC2 R8g Instances with AWS Graviton4 Processors Generally Available

AWS has announced the general availability of Amazon EC2 R8g instances, which use AWS Graviton4 processors. These instances have been available in preview since November 2023 and are designed for memory-intensive workloads such as databases, in-memory caches, and real-time big data analytics.

By Steef-Jan Wiggers

Presentation: Hydration and Lazy-Loading Are Incompatible

Miško Hevery discusses Hydration and Lazy-loading, building a simple counter to show how hydration will thwart the ability to lazy load it or minimize the amount of code executed.

By Miško Hevery

Podcast: Platform Engineering – Making Other Teams 10x Better

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Jessica Andersson about the role of platform engineering in empowering and enabling other teams.

By Jessica Andersson

AWS Discontinues Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

AWS recently announced that new customers can no longer sign up for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), a managed service providing an immutable transaction log maintained by a central trusted authority. All existing databases will be shut down in one year, and current users are encouraged to migrate to Aurora PostgreSQL.

By Renato Losio

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