Has this happened to anyone else?
I got a notification recommending I let apple automatically upgrade the software on my iPhone, so I clicked yes.  This replaced OS 3.0 with OS 3.1.3.  Unfortunately, now xCode won't let me install or debug programs on the iPhone because it can't handle this OS version, and it prompts me with a list of OS versions it DOES support, which includes 3.0.
So I want to restore my iPhone to OS 3.0 but I can't find a place on the apple website to do this.  Anyone got any ideas?

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Replies to This Discussion

Upgrade xCode?
Did that, get the same message. Frustrating thing is, the list of allowed OSs includes 3.1.2 and 3.2. But I'm really programming to the lowest common denominator - programming to 3.0 keeps the potential customer base wide. Not that it really matters.
Eric Lavigne said:
Upgrade xCode?
Moving down in version involves having the iPhone OS distribution file for that. Its possible its already in your iTunes records. There are instructions out there, but the main thing is holding down the option key while clicking the restore button. iTunes will prompt you to pick which system files to use.

Alternatively, if you upgrade to the latest XCode and iPhone SDK, you will be able to build for your iPhone without needing to restore it. (Assuming you don't specifically need 3.0 for testing on the device.)

As a developer, keep in mind when upgrading that upgrading to beta versions of iPhone OS are often one-way and cannot be undone. (Not the case for you, but worth noting since the topic is downgrading.)


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