Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) JUG Town


Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) JUG Town

Come join us here at the RDC JUG Town! Stanislas Matayo and the group in Kinshasa welcome you.

Location: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Members: 8
Latest Activity: Jun 5, 2014

About the RDC JUG

Le RDC JUG est un ensemble de personnes se réunissant autour des technologies Java (professionnels, communautés open source, entreprises, étudiants, enseignants, passionnés,...) ceci dans le but de populariser l'écosystème de multiples technologies gravitant autour du langage Java, de sa plate forme et sa machine virtuelle. Partant du fait que les technologies Java deviennent de plus en plus incontournables au sein des entreprises, que la connaissance et la maîtrise de ceux ci devient un atout indéniable au sein de la communauté de développeurs. Nous nous sommes donnés comme objectif de créer en RDC une forte communauté autour de cette technologie, la dynamiser et fournir une fondation adéquate aux multiples développeurs et passionnées de cet art qui voudraient soit apprendre ou encore mieux, l’intégrer au sein des entreprises pour les quelles lis travaillent ou encore, en faire leur outils de prédilection pour la fourniture de solution logicielle.

La démarche choisie pour atteindre cet objectif sera celle ci:

  1. Organisation de workshop, séminaire et conférence ou nous nous arrangerons avec les moyens de bord pour voir dans quelle mesure nous pouvons inviter des professionnels reconnus dans le domaine pour nous faire partager leurs expériences, faire des présentations sur des plateformes reconnus et qui sont des références au cours des multiples étapes du développement d’applications, nous pourrions, nous formez a ces technologies et améliorer les compétences, … bref faire plein de truc.
  2. Nous comptons aussi sur la création de groupe thématique sur des technologies dans la technologie Java tel que des groupes thématiques sur les frameworks (Spring, Velocity, JSF, Struts, Hibernate, JBoss seam, Play Framework,…), d’autres sur les technologies GUI (Swing, SWT, XUI, Apache Pivot, Java Fx,…) qui existent en Java, d’autres sur les langages dynamiques qui sont prises en charge par Java (Java script, Groovy, Ruby,…), les aspects architecturaux et les patterns (MVC, Peer to peer, 1-tiers, 2-tiers, 3-tiers,…), les méthodologies de développement d’applications et la gestion du cycle de vie des applications en générale et particulièrement celle écrite en Java.

DRC JUG is a whole of people meeting around technologies Java (professionals, open communities source, companies, students, teachers, impassioned,…) this with an aim of popularizing l' ecosystem of multiple technologies revolving around the language Java, of its platform and its virtual machine. On the basis of the fact that Java technologies become increasingly impossible to circumvent within the companies, that the knowledge and the control of those Ci becomes an undeniable asset within the community of developers. We were given like objective to create in DRC a strong community around this technology, to instigate it and to provide an adequate foundation to the multiple developers and impassioned this art which would like is to learn or better, to integrate it within the companies for which lilies work or, to make of them their tools of predilection for the supply of software solution. The step chosen to achieve this goal will be that Ci: Organization of workshop, seminar and conference or we will arrange ourselves with the means of edge to see up to what point we can invite professionals recognized in the field to make us share their experiments, to make presentations on platforms recognized and which are references during the multiple stages of the development of applications, we could, train us has these technologies and to improve competences,… in short to make full with trick. We also count on the creation of set of themes group on technologies in Java technology such as sets of themes groups on the frameworks (Spring, Velocity, JSF, Struts, Hibernate, JBoss seam, Play Framework,…), others on technologies GUI (Swing, SWT, XUI, Apache Pivot, Fx Java,…) who exist in Java, others on the dynamic languages which are dealt with by Java (Java script, Groovy, Ruby,…), architectural aspects and patterns (MVC, Peer to peer, 1-third, 2-third, 3-third,…), methodologies of development of applications and the management of the life cycle of the applications in general and particularly that written in Java.

Discussion Forum

Java One JUG Discount

If you're a JUG member, the JavaOne event team wants you to know there's a special discount…Continue

Tags: jug, j1, discount, codetown, Javaone

Started by Michael Levin Jun 5, 2014.

Comment Wall


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Members (8)


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InfoQ Reading List

AWS Reduces Latency and Costs for Key/Value Datastores with AZ Affinity Routing and GLIDE Valkey

AWS recently introduced Availability Zone (AZ) awareness in version 1.2 of the open source Valkey General Language Independent Driver for Enterprise (GLIDE) client library. By implementing AZ affinity routing in the open source key/value datastore, developers can reduce latency and costs by directing requests to replicas within the same AZ as the client.

By Renato Losio

Uber's Cloud Journey: Embracing ARM in an x86 World

Uber embarked on a strategic migration from on-premise data centers to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and Google Cloud Platform in February 2023. A key component of this migration was integrating ARM-based computers into their predominantly x86 fleet to reduce costs, improve price performance, and ensure hardware flexibility amid supply chain uncertainties.

By Claudio Masolo

Google Gemini's Long-term Memory Vulnerable to a Kind of Phishing Attack

AI security hacker Johann Rehberger described a prompt injection attack against Google Gemini able to modify its long-term memories using a technique he calls delayed tool invocation. The researcher described the attack as a sort of social engineering/phishing attack triggered by the user interacting with a malicious document.

By Sergio De Simone

Azure AI Agent Service Now in Public Preview for Developers in AI Foundry SDK and Portal

Introducing the Azure AI Agent Service: a groundbreaking platform that empowers developers to design, deploy, and manage intelligent AI agents seamlessly integrated within the Microsoft ecosystem. Automate tasks, access real-time data, and monitor performance, all while benefiting from easy setup and advanced orchestration. Transform your business with AI-driven efficiency and innovation.

By Steef-Jan Wiggers

.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Adds .NET 9, Offline Speech Recognition

Between December 2024 and January 2025, Microsoft released versions 10.0.0 and 11.0.0 of their open-source .NET MAUI Community Toolkit. The new versions add .NET 9 support and offline speech recognition to the toolkit. Many small updates and bug fixes are also released with the toolkit.

By Edin Kapić

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