

Last week, we went over higher order functions in Kotlin. We learned how higher order functions can accept functions as parameters and are also able to return functions. This week, we will take a look at lambdas. Lambdas are another type of function and they are very popular in the functional programming world.

Logic & Data

Computer programs are made up of two parts: logic and data. Usually, logic is described in functions and data is passed to those functions. The functions do things with the data, and return a result. When we write a function we would typically create a named function. As we saw last week, this is a typical named function:

fun hello(name: String): String {
return "Hello, $name"

Then you can call this function:

fun main() {

Which gives us the result:

Hello, Matt

Functions as Data

There is a concept in the functional programming world where functions are treated as data. Lambdas (functions as data) can do the same thing as named functions, but with lambdas, the content of a given function can be passed directly into other functions. A lambda can also be assigned to a variable as though it were just a value.

Lambda Syntax

Lambdas are similar to named functions but lambdas do not have a name and the lambda syntax looks a little different. Whereas a function in Kotlin would look like this:

fun hello() {
return "Hello World"

The lambda expression would look like this:

{ "Hello World" }

Here is an example with a parameter:

fun(name: String) {
return "Hello, ${name}"

The lambda version:

{ name: String -> "Hello, $name" }

You can call the lambda by passing the parameter to it in parentheses after the last curly brace:

{ name: String -> "Hello, $name" }("Matt")

It’s also possible to assign a lambda to a variable:

val hello = { name: String -> "Hello, $name" }

You can then call the variable the lambda has been assigned to, just as if it was a named function:


Lambdas provide us with a convenient way to pass logic into other functions without having to define that logic in a named function. This is very useful when processing lists or arrays of data. We’ll take a look at processing lists with lambdas in the next post!

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