Looking for Java/Groovy developers for help with an Opensource Project

Hey everyone just throwing it out there,

The other day I was on the beach wondering what to do next when I came up with an interesting idea, a social networking aggregator that could add content to a Wave document in real time(of course then I got extended). It now looks like I can make it happen and I am trying to start finding more people to help the project. Currently we could use someone to manage a JIRA server as well as other developers. Currently the project is in Java, however, once the kinks are out I am going to open it up to Groovy/Scala. The whole thing is Maven based and we have a special repo already set up. If anyone else wants to help you can contact me through jackiergleason.com (or I also check in here every so often).

Iteration 1 is integrate with Facebook.

Also if you don't have wave and you work on the project I will send an invite :-)


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Comment by Jackie Gleason on December 21, 2009 at 9:57am
Site back up
Comment by Jackie Gleason on December 20, 2009 at 7:17pm
Site mat be down for a day or so while I upgrade to Drupal 6.15 but it will be up soon
Comment by Jackie Gleason on December 19, 2009 at 4:24pm
Wave seems to be pretty powerful and the fact that it is really easy to develop on is nice too. Right now I am running into an issue with Google not having cron set up properly when it comes to Robots and in order to refresh after the user leaves we need that functionality. I am thinking I may try and use a Google App Engine Cron but haven't gotten that far yet.

As for the future of the project it would work like an aggregator of different resources funneling them all into your wave. So to start with I am using Social networking sites because of the APIs and mass appeal, but I don't see why it wouldn't be just as easy to add JIRA, Quickbuild, and other modules, With these plugins we are talking about super self documenting development :-).

As for workflow, I don't have a solid archetecture (for example I know I want plugin modules and I am not sure how to handle that etc) that is where I hope someone smarter then me chimes in :-) But I do want it very modularized and extendable. As far as I can tell this project is already on the cutting edge of two powerful Internet companies and has already got the attention of the Google Wave development team(they started following my twitter).

Anyway any more questions let me know.

Thanks for the press

Comment by Michael Levin on December 19, 2009 at 9:41am
Jackie, Can you detail the workflow? Will this work like a blog aggregator? I see the group you've started... How is Wave working out for you?

Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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