Cloud Computing Village

Cloud Computing is "the next big thing". The recent JavaOne featured Cloud Computing more than any other technology. Come join us and explore / discuss the aspects of this technology!
  • What's the difference between Grid computing and Cloud Computing

    I don't clearly catch the difference betwenn these two concept. Someone told me that the essential différence is that the cloud computing give you a large space of storage and the grig give more advantages than storage, we can profit to much power with this last. Does any one know more clearly…

    By Hervé-greg MOKWABO

  • Searching for Cloud architecture

    After reviewing architecture models from several vendors and industry organizations, I believe we are witnessing an early evolutionary period, rather than the culmination of PaaS.    The lack of consensus on specific Platform as a Service architectural components and distinct architectural model…

    By Chris Haddad

  • Ensemble

    Ensemble: service orchestration for the cloud (my work for Ubuntu Server) - via Jim…

    By Michael Levin

  • Shameless Plug: New Application

    Hey everyone,Don't know if you remember me but I did the Android class last year. Anyway I just published my first app. It is a pay app but that is to support development :-). Anyway look up Motion Sound Control on the Android market, more to come. Also doing a conference presentation on NDK…

    By Jackie Gleason

  • Issues to Consider with Cloud Computing

    Thinking about Cloud Computing raises some concerns. Security is one concern that looms in many minds. What are some issues and how can we get our minds around the pitfalls before they happen? "Lots of vendors have run into trouble with their cloud services, but the challenges faced by Apple last…

    By Michael Levin

  • Advantages of Cloud Computing

    Any time we use devices that are detached, remote, or somehow "managed" outside our normal environment, we realize advantages. Some obvious advantages include availability and cost. What will attract users to Cloud Computing and why?

    By Michael Levin

  • What is Cloud Computing?

    What is Cloud Computing? Of course, the name Cloud Computing is a metaphor that describes the grouping together of data in a virtual storage realm. What does it mean? Let's kick off the discussion with your concept in the simplest sense. What does Cloud Computing mean to you?

    By Michael Levin
