
Spring Town

Dependency injection. It's a smart approach. Believe that? We do! Come on in and share what you know. Ask all your Spring questions here, too!

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Latest Activity: Sep 21, 2019

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Notes from JCertif, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Started by Michael Levin Aug 28, 2010.

Sample Application using JSF, Spring 2.5, and Java Persistence APIs 2 Replies

Started by Carol McDonald. Last reply by Christian Laboranowitsch May 28, 2009.

Getting started with SpringMVC easily

Started by Zemian Deng Aug 28, 2008.

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Comment by Federico Nicolàs Casabianca on July 14, 2009 at 11:57am
hi guys i´m configuring the enviroment with spring and jpa (top link as provider) with tomcat. But i´ve got a problem. When i execute that sentence this.getJpaTemplate().persist(user); the follow exceptions is raised:
Object: com.blank.model.User@136055d is not a known entity type.
Please if anyone knows how i can solve that issue i will appreciate your help.
Comment by sony john on June 2, 2009 at 11:37pm
Thank You Neil ,

In my spring application iam using DAO to connect to database.
Iam able to get DAO object only in Validation class. Is it possible inject DAO object to Command class in Simple Form Controller.
Thanks in advance .
Comment by sony john on May 23, 2009 at 10:28am
Iam new to spring i would like to integrate spring with hibernate any one have any idea
Comment by Jose Diaz Diaz on May 22, 2009 at 11:47am
Hello Adit, in the page of jetbrains there are good demos. In are the slides and demos of the integration of flex with spring.
Comment by Anirudh Vyas on May 22, 2009 at 11:06am

Google Spring Blaze DS.
Comment by Adit Shetty on May 22, 2009 at 9:30am
Hi iam new to spring . Does anyone have any idea on integration of Flex with Springs framework
Comment by sony john on May 22, 2009 at 1:11am
I got the following tutorials
Comment by Anirudh Vyas on May 21, 2009 at 1:52pm
I wish Spring source offered "weekend" training sessions instead of "weekday" sessions or may be both?! ...

Just what stops me from taking something up.
Comment by Dominic Da Silva on March 28, 2009 at 7:29pm
So what did people think of the Spring Dynamic Modules presentation at OJUG.
I for one liked what OSGi has to offer for web app development. Seems to allow for more abstracted layer for partitioning your application. Also liked that Spring's annotations for configuration. I have been using Seam and JPA's annotations and loved it. I have heard lots of griping about annotations, but I myself enjoy using them...
Comment by Jim  Moore on August 27, 2008 at 10:13pm
One of the easiest way to get started with Spring is to download the distribution, which includes sample apps. The reference docs are awesome, but if you want a more "gentle" intro, Spring In Action ed 2 is great.

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Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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InfoQ Reading List

JavaScript Set Methods

The release of Firefox 127 introduces new JavaScript Set methods, now supported across major browser engines. Polyfills are no longer needed to make them work everywhere. These additions provide convenient, built-in ways to manipulate and compare collections aiming to simplify development and enahnce performance.

By Agazi Mekonnen

Amazon EC2 R8g Instances with AWS Graviton4 Processors Generally Available

AWS has announced the general availability of Amazon EC2 R8g instances, which use AWS Graviton4 processors. These instances have been available in preview since November 2023 and are designed for memory-intensive workloads such as databases, in-memory caches, and real-time big data analytics.

By Steef-Jan Wiggers

Presentation: Hydration and Lazy-Loading Are Incompatible

Miško Hevery discusses Hydration and Lazy-loading, building a simple counter to show how hydration will thwart the ability to lazy load it or minimize the amount of code executed.

By Miško Hevery

Podcast: Platform Engineering – Making Other Teams 10x Better

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Jessica Andersson about the role of platform engineering in empowering and enabling other teams.

By Jessica Andersson

AWS Discontinues Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

AWS recently announced that new customers can no longer sign up for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), a managed service providing an immutable transaction log maintained by a central trusted authority. All existing databases will be shut down in one year, and current users are encouraged to migrate to Aurora PostgreSQL.

By Renato Losio

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