This month we welcome Edson Yanaga as our speaker. Edson will give a talk on Revisiting Effective Java. The meeting is Thursday, 8/23 at Starter Studio in Winter Park and begins at 6. The presentation will begin at 7. Here are details and location. Please RSVP!

Revisiting Effective Java in 2018

Joshua Bloch just gifted us with the 3rd edition of "Effective Java", but almost 10 years have been past since the last edition. Now we have a whole generation of Java developers that could benefit from this knowledge - but lost the past wave. It's about time to revisit all of this wonderful content, and upgrade your skills to the latest versions of the Java platform. Join us on this deep dive session to check what is the updated Effective Java, and even add some more tips not included in the book!

Edson Yanaga, Red Hat's Director of Developer Experience, is a Java Champion and a Microsoft MVP. He is also a published author and a frequent speaker at international conferences, discussing Java, Microservices, Cloud Computing, DevOps, and Software Craftsmanship.

We'll have a Chromebook to raffle and lots of swag. Be sure to RSVP.

Thanks to Red Hat for sponsoring the pizza & beer :-)

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The google maps link is here

Here is a linked in link to Edson Yanaga 

It’s a great venue! 

Bradlee Sargent said:

The google maps link is here

Edson's Effective Java Talk was great! Thanks to Red Hat for the delicious pizza. And, huge thanks to Edson for bringing a Chromebook to raffle off. Congrats to Ramya for the win! Edson's book on microservices and databases is linked on his @yanaga Twitter page. Edson coded a cool little raffle program on the fly to give the laptop away. Thanks, Edson!

Thank you Edson for such a great presentation. The java program to raffle was cherry on the top of yesterday's event. You have shown us the developer's way of raffle picking.! Thank you Mike for organizing such an awesome talk. And many thanks for the Chromebook. I am looking forward to attend more such events and I highly recommend these talks to anyone who is interested in tech knowledge exchange and learning something new. 

Here's a picture of the Chromebook given away in Edson's raffle program :)


Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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