Last nights GatorJUG prestation on Clojure with Eric Lavigne introduced us to Clojure's language elements. Say your customer, a timeshare company, wanted a new database driven reservation website. Build a case for Clojure and lay out a reasonable architecture, including use of existing Java components and object relational mapping, or not.

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If I offered to finish the site in a week, would my client need further justification :-)

A timeshare reservation site would be fairly trivial from a technology perspective. For the web front-end, I would use Compojure, just as I did with the Wari contest. For database access, I would use clojure.contrib.sql, which has the same capabilities as java.sql but without being so incredibly verbose.

Architecture is important for big projects. This isn't a big project.
So, Eric - can you say a few words about Compojure? Just enough to get us started. And, please point us to a reference. Is clojure.contrib.sql fairly full featured? Can it to stored procs and transactions? What are some of its strengths and limitations? Just a taste...

Eric Lavigne said:
If I offered to finish the site in a week, would my client need further justification :-)

A timeshare reservation site would be fairly trivial from a technology perspective. For the web front-end, I would use Compojure, just as I did with the Wari contest. For database access, I would use clojure.contrib.sql, which has the same capabilities as java.sql but without being so incredibly verbose.

Architecture is important for big projects. This isn't a big project.
Compojure is a web development library with a focus on simple, RESTful applications. This example should give you a feeling for Compojure:

And here are some references:

You can find some examples of clojure.contrib.sql here:

And here's a reference:

clojure.contrib.sql has transactions and prepared statements. I don't know about stored procedures, since I have never used them in Clojure or Java.


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