Interesting. Ask Elon Musk what scares him about AI. Watch the Joe Rogan interview. Be careful what you wish for. AI knows you better than you know yourself. Don’t bother wondering if it’s true. It’s true. (The Joe Rogan podcast with Elon Musk)

Consider this: What if a Myers-Briggs test was run on everyone who applied for a permit to buy a gun or a concealed carry permit? Of course, that violates constitutional rights here in the United States to own a gun because it’s too subjective. 

What if a Myers-Briggs test was run on everyone who applied for a job, or a lease, or a voters certificate, or the right to have a child...or shop at Walmart? The list goes on. It’s endless. 

Elon runs Neuralink. It’s a fascinating idea. What if it were reversed and piped your thoughts into a computer? 

Bryan Johnson is the co-founder of Braintree, purchased by PayPal, and creator of Kernal, a startup whose goal is to enhance human cognition.

“We know if we put a chip in the brain and release electrical signals, that we can ameliorate symptoms of Parkinson's,” Johnson told The Verge in an interview late last year. (Johnson also confirmed Musk’s involvement with Neuralink.) “This has been done for spinal cord pain, obesity, anorexia… what hasn’t been done is the reading and writing of neural code.” Johnson says Kernel’s goal is to “work with the brain the same way we work with other complex biological systems like biology and genetics.” (from The Verge)

What if your answer was recorded every time the check out clerk at the grocery store asked you whether you prefer paper or plastic?

“Are you a member? Type in your member number for a discount.”

“Click this link to see your past purchases.”

“Add item to your public wish list.”

“Click this link to see your browsing history.”

Elon’s answer to the AI question in the Rogan interview is regulation. Watch the interview. It was a costly interview:

Larry Ellison was interviewed by Charlie Rose: 4:30 “The great thing is we live in a democracy.”

Think about that when you decide whether it’s worth your time to vote or run for office.

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Cambridge Analytica brought my company, Cambridge Web Design, a lot of publicity, although adverse.

This happened as recently as yesterday. Why? I named my company Cambridge Web Design because I hung a shingle in front of our a little place on Cambridge Avenue.

No affiliation with Cambridge Analytica.

I’m telling you, in the world of mass communication this is the most powerful story you will probably ever hear. I hope so.

Over the years, I have learned a lot of behind the scenes information about Cambridge Analytica.

All of it is hearsay, so I won’t repeat any of it.

This is a highly scaled down version of the story. Mass communication companies, some like Cambridge Analytica still exist.

I think the takeaway here is twofold. From a data science and psychology perspective, Cambridge Analytica’s approach is fascinating. Wylie spells out how to do it.

For the non-data scientist, one takeaway is to view the world with healthy skepticism.

More on Cambridge Analytica and Trinidad:

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