Efren Katague


Profile Information:

How did you hear about Codetown?
Search about Grails
What are your main interests in software development?
Grails, Groovy and Java
Do you have a website?

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Efren, and welcome to Codetown. You'll enjoy it here, I'm sure. There are several other Australian members, Behrang is one. We've just had a Grails meeting at the GatorJUG (Town) and an upcoming one at OrlandoJUG. There will be one at the TampaJUG, as well! So, I hope you look around and find the archive of Josh's Grails presentation - here you go: http://www.codetown.us/profiles/blogs/recap-gatorjug-grails-talk

    Please invite lots of your friends and help build Codetown into a big community. By the way, I like your website.

    All the best,
