.Net Town

What's up with .Net in your neck of the woods? We'll discuss all the basics here. Eventually, we'l break out separate groups for C#, etc...
  • James Michael Khouri

    Hello, all. Just joined. I'm attending meetings Sarasota Community Foundation as a member of the Sarasota .NET Developers Group. I'd love to know about any other meetings that are held; especially in the Bradenton/Sarasota area. If this wall is read, PLEASE inform me.
  • David T. Harris

    Hey everyone - if you haven't already the Orlando .NET User Group is hosting Orlando .NET Code Camp 2010 this Saturday (March 27th) - check it out: http://www.codetown.us/events/orlando-net-code-camp-2010
  • Steve Wininger

    Need a bit of help. I am doing a project for school and I am having a bit of difficulties. I have a form "SandwichForm" and an inherited form "SummaryForm" The summary form opens when you click the submit button. What I would like to do is have both forms close after viewing and clicking an exit button on the "SummaryForm". Anyone have any suggestions?