A good time was had by all at last night's GatorJUG meeting. Kevin Neelands discussed Android Design Patterns in the context of his recent work on the job with an Android app. The lessons learned he presented were not just interesting but huge timesavers for him. They also dramatically increased app performance. Here's a photo of Kevin:

Kevin Neelands describes an Android case study

We had a couple of folks who work at local shop Infinite Energy attend. Here Curtis McMillen describes the Observer pattern:

Gatorjug demo of patterns as Java features


Hopefully, Curtis will give a presentation soon on some features he's particularly impressed with that are now part of the Java 7 distro. Stay tuned.


A good time was had by all. Thanks, Kevin!



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After Curtis talked about the new features in Java 7 I went home, got on Amazon and ordered a book on it.  Sounds like exciting stuff!

What book did you order? Nice job last night. Thanks!

Well, I ordered a Java 7 advanced featues cookbook but it turned out that was not really what I wanted.  So I just got on amazon and searched specifically for java annotations and found 2 books the reference dependency injection in their description.  I enjoyed giving the talk, even tho the audience knew the topic I felt I got a couple new things across, the questions afterwards helped me explain the parts I kinda glossed over, and Curtis building on it by explaining the latest java has intrinsic support for the observer design pattern was a learnin experience for us all.


I wouldn't say I "knew" the topic, maybe I was very familiar with it. :)  But even still, there's always something to learn.  For me, it was inner classes.  I know what inner classes are and I've even used them a number of times without ever stopping to ask why? What are they good for and when is it appropriate/inappropriate to use them? What effects do they have on memory vs non-inner classes?  I ended up going home and digging deeper on inner classes and I actually found some pretty interesting things that I'll be blogging about pretty soon.  So thanks!!

Kevin Neelands said:

Well, I ordered a Java 7 advanced featues cookbook but it turned out that was not really what I wanted.  So I just got on amazon and searched specifically for java annotations and found 2 books the reference dependency injection in their description.  I enjoyed giving the talk, even tho the audience knew the topic I felt I got a couple new things across, the questions afterwards helped me explain the parts I kinda glossed over, and Curtis building on it by explaining the latest java has intrinsic support for the observer design pattern was a learnin experience for us all.


Curtis, Thanks again for the excellent contribution to the meeting. And, we are pumped about your JEE6/CDI presentation next month!


Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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