Michael Williams
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.Net Town

What's up with .Net in your neck of the woods? We'll discuss all the basics here. Eventually, we'l break out separate groups for C#, etc...
Apr 13, 2020

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How did you hear about Codetown?
Melbourne Meetup Hackathon
What are your main interests in software development?
Windows applications. Would like to venture into the realm of mobile apps on any of the platforms.

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At 9:20pm on August 3, 2015, Michael Levin said…

Happy birthday, Michael!

At 6:15am on March 1, 2014, Michael Levin said…

Hi Michael and welcome to Codetown! There's an incredibly active group doing mobile apps in Africa - an Android developers group. Let me know if you'd like to get involved and learn. All the best, Michael Levin


Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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When you create a profile for yourself you get a personal page automatically. That's where you can be creative and do your own thing. People who want to get to know you will click on your name or picture and…

Created by Michael Levin Dec 18, 2008 at 6:56pm. Last updated by Michael Levin May 4, 2018.

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InfoQ Reading List

GitLab Launches Support for Self-Hosted AI Platforms

On February 20, 2025, GitLab released version 17.9, which introduced improvements aimed at enhancing user experience and functionality. A highlight of this release is the general availability of GitLab Duo Self-Hosted, enabling organizations to deploy large language models (LLMs) within their infrastructure.

By Craig Risi

Article: Checklist for Kubernetes in Production: Best Practices for SREs

This article provides SREs with a checklist for managing Kubernetes in production environments. It identifies common challenges including resource management, workload placement, high availability, health probes, storage, monitoring, and cost optimization. By implementing consistent GitOps automation across these areas, teams can significantly reduce complexity, and prevent downtime.

By Utku Darilmaz

Podcast: Understanding What Really Matters for Developer Productivity: A Conversation with Lizzie Matusov

In this podcast Michael Stiefel spoke with Lizzie Matusov about the dependency of effective, productive, and satisfied teams on good software architecture. Understanding this relationship requires understanding exactly what software productivity really is, how modern software engineering research has become more rigorous and practical, and how to apply that research to software development.

By Lizzie Matusov

Java News Roundup: Milestone Releases of Spring Cloud, GlassFish and Grails, Devnexus 2025

This week's Java roundup for March 3rd, 2025, features news highlighting: milestone releases of Spring Cloud 2025.0.0, GlassFish 8.0.0 and Grails 7.0.0; point releases of Spring gRPC 0.4.0, Helidon 4.2.0, Quarkus 3.19.2 and JHipster 1.29.1 and 1.29.0; the fourth release candidate of Netty 4.2.0; and Devnexus 2025.

By Michael Redlich

Node.js 23.6 Now Runs TypeScript Natively

The Node team recently announced shipping TypeScript native support in Node 23.6. Node developers can now run TypeScript files without any extra configuration or flags. The feature, which was experimental in Node 22.6, is now stable. Native TypeScript support was among the most requested Node features by developers.

By Bruno Couriol

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