Eric kovar
  • Male
  • Orlando, FL
  • United States
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Mike the Man
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smart phone software
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http://no, but I need one don't I
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looking forward to joining in

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At 9:09pm on February 1, 2010, Michael Levin said…
Hi Eric and welcome to Codetown! Now you have a website: Here are some features you'll like at Codetown. You have a blog built into your webpage. People can subscribe using this RSS feed That's a little long, so they can just click on the feed icon at the end of your blog to subscribe. Anything you blog winds up in column 1, row 1 of the Codetown homepage, just like a newspaper. You can join groups, post comments, create discussions, events and even create your own group. There's a share feature that lets you share items with other networks like Facebook. And, your friend features let you connect with other people and invite friends to join. But, best of all, this is a community of like-minded folks - they all love software development and are willing to share what they know. For your website, just remember "codetown dot com slash profile slash Erickovar" Enjoy! All the best, Mike

Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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When you create a profile for yourself you get a personal page automatically. That's where you can be creative and do your own thing. People who want to get to know you will click on your name or picture and…

Created by Michael Levin Dec 18, 2008 at 6:56pm. Last updated by Michael Levin May 4, 2018.

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InfoQ Reading List

DevProxy 0.25 Improves Configuration Management, Joins .NET Foundation

Microsoft has released version 0.25 of DevProxy, an API simulation command-line tool. The new version improves the tool's configuration management and adds a couple of usability features. The project is also added to the .NET Foundation, a non-profit organisation to support the .NET platform ecosystem.

By Edin Kapić

Article: Beyond Notebook: Building Observable Machine Learning Systems

In this article, author discusses a machine learning pipeline with observability built-in for credit card fraud detection use case, with tools like MLflow, FastAPI, Streamlit, Apache Kafka, Prometheus, Grafana, and Evidently AI.

By Lakshmithejaswi Narasannagari

Presentation: Dare Mighty Things: What NASA's Endeavors Teach Us About the Power of Calculated RISCs

Khawaja Shams explores the essence of calculated risks, discussing why taking these risks, how to identify and mitigate potential downsides, and the characteristics of good risks.

By Khawaja Shams

Podcast: Engineering Culture and the API Revolution: A Conversation with Sagar Batchu

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Sagar Batchu about building engineering teams in different environments, the transition from individual contributor to leadership roles, the importance of culture and autonomy in organizations, and the implications of AI agents on the future of APIs.

By Sagar Batchu

Google Cloud's AI Protection: a Solution to Securing AI Assets

Google Cloud introduces AI Protection, a solution to safeguard against generative AI threats. Managing AI risks through vulnerability assessments, security policies, and proactive threat management enhances asset protection. Integrating with Google’s Security Command Center offers a centralized view of IT posture and advanced security intelligence for robust AI system defense.

By Steef-Jan Wiggers

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